Students and parents are questioning the value of higher education more than ever. Learn how we help students connect to mentors and formative experiences on campus that improves recruitment and retention.
If you are mentoring/parenting a student who is anxious, burned out, or disengaged, How to Navigate Life is your guide.
As acceptance rates drop and tuition prices rise, more parents and families than ever before are questioning whether young people should even go to college. Yet, the evidence is clear: in a world being disrupted by technological innovation, a college degree is more important than ever. To adapt to a changing world, institutes of higher education need to effectively communicate their value to students.
They need to share their purpose.
We have distilled years of research on evidence-based best practices that help students thrive and maximize the college experience. Learn more about how we help colleges articulate the social, human and brand capital they provide in a that helps students maximize their college experience.
Bring us to your school or organization to learn how to apply the science of cultivating purpose in your community.
Engage in highly interactive and dynamic workshops to experience first-hand the power of purpose & belonging.
Draw from our curriculum, assessments, & coaching to transform your school or organization into a purpose & belonging informed community.
Discover how a school counselor and award-winning urban educator have distilled 40 years of combined experience in purpose development and mentoring to create a decision-making framework for navigating even the greatest decisions in life.
Are you interested in a keynote or workshop for your teachers or students, or one-on-one coaching sessions about your purpose journey or your child's? Fill in the form below and we'll get back to you asap.